
Deploy Office Web Apps (Installed on SharePoint 2010 Products)

Updated: September 16, 2010

This article discusses how to deploy Microsoft Office Web Apps. Office Web Apps is the online companion to Office Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote applications that enables users to access documents from anywhere. Users can view, share, and work on documents with other users online across personal computers, mobile telephones, and the Web. Office Web Apps is available to users through Windows Live and to business customers with Microsoft Office 2010 volume licensing and document management solutions that are based on Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products.

An appropriate device, Internet connection, and supported Internet Explorer, Firefox, or Safari browser are required. Some mobile functionality requires Office Mobile 2010, which is not included in Office 2010 applications, suites, or Office Web Apps. There are some differences between the features of Office Web Apps, Office Mobile 2010 and the Office 2010 applications.

Information provided in this article is intended for IT Pros planning to deploy Office Web Apps on SharePoint 2010 Products on-premises in their organizations. SharePoint 2010 Products in this article refers to Microsoft SharePoint Server 2010 and Microsoft SharePoint Foundation 2010 unless otherwise noted. This article does not provide guidance or instructions about how to deploy SharePoint 2010 Products. New and updated content will be published on a regular basis.

It is recommended you read Understanding Office Web Apps (Installed on SharePoint 2010 Products) and Planning Office Web Apps (Installed on SharePoint 2010 Products) available on Microsoft TechNet before deploying Office Web Apps in your organization.

Office Web Apps can be downloaded from the Microsoft Volume Licensing Service Center (http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=191841&clcid=0x409) on the Office Professional Plus 2010 32Bit or Office Standard 2010 32Bit site.

In this article:

In addition to the previous sections, one of the following sections will apply to your specific Office Web Apps deployment:

Understanding Office Web Apps deployment

For both stand-alone SharePoint servers and SharePoint server farms, deploying Office Web Apps involves three primary phases:

Running setup and PSConfig   Tasks include running Setup.exe and SharePoint Products and Technologies Post Setup and Configuration Wizard (PSConfig) on a stand-alone SharePoint server or each server in a SharePoint server farm. Running Setup.exe installs Office Web Apps files and components on a server. Running PSConfig is required as part of Office Web Apps setup in order to register the Office Web Apps services and, depending on the SharePoint installation type, start the service instances, create the service applications and service application proxies, and activate the Office Web Apps Feature.

Activating the Office Web Apps services   Includes starting the service instances, and creating the service applications and service application proxies. Whether you must activate the services will depend on the state of SharePoint and whether PSconfig and the SharePoint Farm Configuration Wizard have previously been run.

Activating the Office Web Apps Feature   Includes activating the Office Web Apps Feature on all existing SharePoint site collections where the Office Web Apps should be available. If PSconfig or the SharePoint Farm Configuration Wizard have been run before installing Office Web Apps, at least one site collection will exist. The feature will be activated automatically for new site collections created after Office Web Apps is installed.

Some procedures in this article require using Windows PowerShell or SharePoint 2010 Management Shell to run cmdlets. To run SharePoint 2010 cmdlets in Windows PowerShell, you must add the Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell snap-in by using the Add-PSSnapin cmdlet, or you can run the SharePoint 2010 cmdlets by using SharePoint 2010 Management Shell. By default, the Microsoft.SharePoint.PowerShell snap-in is already registered, and the snap-in is added to the SharePoint 2010 Management Shell. To run SharePoint 2010 cmdlets, you must be a member of the SharePoint_Shell_Access role on the configuration database and a member of the WSS_ADMIN_WPG local group on the computer where SharePoint 2010 Products is installed. To run scripts in Windows PowerShell or SharePoint 2010 Management Shell, you must set the execution policy by using the set-executionpolicy cmdlet, using the unrestricted parameter. For more information about the Add-PSSnapin cmdlet, see Add-PSSnapin. For more information about how to use Windows PowerShell with SharePoint 2010 Products, see SharePoint 2010 Products administration by using Windows PowerShell.

Install and configure Office Web Apps on an existing stand-alone SharePoint server

This section applies only if you are installing Office Web Apps on an existing SharePoint server and PSConfig was previously run as part of SharePoint setup.

When you run Setup.exe, Office Web Apps setup configures the default open behavior for browser-enabled documents in SharePoint to open documents in the browser. If Office Web Apps setup was run, but the Office Web Apps Services and Feature has not yet been activated, a user may get a broken link when opening a document in the browser. When deploying Office Web Apps on a live production server farm, to prevent broken links to documents while completing additional deployment tasks after running setup, we recommend you enable the OpenInClient feature on existing site collections before running setup. For more information, see Additional configuration (optional).

Run Office Web Apps setup

Complete this task to install Office Web Apps components and files on a server.

To run Office Web Apps setup

  1. From the root folder, run Setup.exe.

  2. On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

  3. On the Choose a file location page, click Install Now to install to the default location. To install to a different location, specify the location that you want to install to and then click Install Now.

  4. When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected and then click Close to start PSConfig.

Run PSConfig to register the services

Complete this task to register the Office Web Apps services on the SharePoint server.

To run PSConfig to register the services

  1. If you left the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box selected in the previous step, on the PSconfig Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.

  2. In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might have to be restarted or reset during configuration, click Yes.

  3. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Your new SharePoint site opens.

Start the service instances

A service instance provides the physical location for a service application. You must start the service instances before you create the service applications and the service application proxies. You can start the service instances by using SharePoint Central Administration or by using Windows PowerShell.

Procedures in this task start the service instances on the server specified.

To start the service instances by using Central Administration

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

  2. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, in System Settings, click Manage services on this server.

  3. On the Services on server:<servername>page, start Excel Calculation Services, Word Viewing Service, and PowerPoint Service. The OneNote Web App does not use a SharePoint service.

To start the service instances by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    $machinesToActivate = @("<servername>")
    $serviceInstanceNames = @("Word Viewing Service", "PowerPoint Service", "Excel Calculation Services")
    foreach ($machine in $machinesToActivate) 
      foreach ($serviceInstance in $serviceInstanceNames)
         $serviceID = $(Get-SPServiceInstance | where {$_.TypeName -match $serviceInstance} | where {$_.Server -match "SPServer Name="+$machine}).ID
         Start-SPServiceInstance -Identity $serviceID 
  2. Specify the following parameters:

    Parameter Value


    Server name

  3. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  4. From the Windows PowerShell command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


Create the service applications and the service application proxies

After the service instances have been started, the service applications and the service application proxies which connect the SharePoint Web front-ends to the service applications must be created. You can create the service applications and the service application proxies for the Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Web apps by using Central Administration or by using Windows PowerShell. The OneNote Web App does not require a service application. After created, the service applications will run on started service instances automatically.

Procedures in this task will create the Office Web Apps service applications and service application proxies for the Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Web apps. This task can only be completed after you have started the service instances.

To create the service applications and the service application proxies by using Central Administration

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

  2. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, in Application Management, click Manage service applications.

  3. On the Service Applications page, click New, and then click Word Viewing Service.

  4. In the Word Viewing Service Application dialog box, in Name, type Word Viewing Service Application. In Application Pool, select Use existing application pool, and then in the listbox, select SharePoint Web Services Default. In Add to default proxy list, verify Add this service application's proxy to the farm's default proxy list is selected (default), and then click OK.

  5. On the Service Applications page, click New, and then click PowerPoint Service Application.

  6. In the PowerPoint Service Application dialog box, in Name, type PowerPoint Service Application. In Application Pool, select Use existing application pool, and then in the listbox, select SharePoint Web Services Default. In Add to default proxy list, verify Add this service application's proxy to the farm's default proxy list is selected (default), and then click OK.

  7. On the Service Applications page, click New, and then click Excel Services Application.

  8. In the Excel Services Application dialog box, in Name, type Excel Services Application. In Application Pool, select Use existing application pool, and then in the listbox, select SharePoint Web Services Default. In Add to default proxy list, verify Add this service application's proxy to the farm's default proxy list is selected (default), and then click OK.

    You can choose to create a new application pool to be used with a service application. When creating a new application pool, you can specify the security account used by the application pool to be a predefined Network Service account, or you can specify a managed account. The account must have read\write privileges for the SPContent database and SPConfig database. For more information about services account permissions in SharePoint, see Account permissions and security settings (SharePoint Server 2010).

To create the service applications and the service application proxies by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    $appPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name "SharePoint Web Services Default"
    New-SPWordViewingServiceApplication -Name "WdView" -ApplicationPool $appPool | New-SPWordViewingServiceApplicationProxy -Name "WdProxy"
    New-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -Name "PPT" -ApplicationPool $appPool | New-SPPowerPointServiceApplicationProxy -Name "PPTProxy" 
    New-SPExcelServiceApplication -Name "Excel" -ApplicationPool $appPool
  2. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  3. From the Windows PowerShell command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


Activate the Office Web Apps Feature

After the service instances have been started, and the service applications and service application proxies have been created, to use Office Web Apps require the Office Web Apps Feature be activated on existing site collections. You can activate the feature on a single site collection in a browser on the Site collection features page or by using Windows PowerShell. If you have a large number of site collections, you can activate the feature on all site collections at the same time by using Windows PowerShell.

Procedures in this task will activate the Office Web Apps Feature on one or more existing site collections. This task must be completed only once after the service applications and the service application proxies have been created. If you have more than one existing site collection, and you are activating the feature on one site collection at a time, you may have to perform the procedure for each site collection.

This task does not need to be completed for new site collections created after Office Web Apps has been installed.

To activate the Office Web Apps Feature on a site collection on the Site collection features page

  1. In a browser, in the SharePoint site, click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in Site Collection Administration, click Site Collection Features.

  3. On the Features page, for Office Web Apps, click Activate.

To activate the Office Web Apps Feature on a site collection by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    $webAppsFeatureId = $(Get-SPFeature -limit all | where {$_.displayname -eq "OfficeWebApps"}).Id 
    $singleSiteCollection = Get-SPSite -Identity http://<site_name> Enable-SPFeature $webAppsFeatureId -Url $singleSiteCollection.URL
  2. Specify the following parameters:

    Parameter Value



  3. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  4. In the Windows PowerShell console, at the command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


To activate the Office Web Apps Feature on all site collections by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    $webAppsFeatureId = $(Get-SPFeature -limit all | where {$_.displayname -eq "OfficeWebApps"}).Id 
    Get-SPSite -limit ALL |foreach{Enable-SPFeature $webAppsFeatureId -url $_.URL }  
  2. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  3. From the Windows PowerShell command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


Install and configure Office Web Apps on a new stand-alone SharePoint server

This section applies only if you are installing Office Web Apps on a new SharePoint installation where PSConfig has not previously been run as part of SharePoint setup.

Run Office Web Apps setup

Complete this task to install Office Web Apps components and files on a server.

To run Office Web Apps setup

  1. From the root folder, run Setup.exe.

  2. On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

  3. On the Choose a file location page, click Install Now to install to the default location. To install to a different location, specify the location that you want to install to, and then click Install Now.

  4. When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected, and then click Close to start PSConfig.

Run PSConfig to register the services, start the service instances, create the service applications and proxies, and activate the Office Web Apps Feature

Complete this task to register the services, start the service instances, create the service applications and service application proxies, and activate the Office Web Apps Feature.

To run PSConfig to register the services, start the service instances, create the service applications and proxies, and activate the Office Web Apps Feature

  1. If you left the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box selected in the previous task, on the PSconfig Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.

  2. In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted or reset during configuration, click Yes.

  3. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Your new SharePoint site opens.

Install and configure Office Web Apps on an existing SharePoint server farm

Peform the tasks in this section only if you are installing Office Web Apps on an existing SharePoint server farm where the Farm Configuration Wizard has previously been run.

When you run Setup.exe, Office Web Apps setup configures the default open behavior for browser-enabled documents in SharePoint to open documents in the browser. If Office Web Apps setup has been run, but the Office Web Apps Services and Feature has not yet been activated, a user may get a broken link when opening a document in the browser. When deploying Office Web Apps on a live production server farm, to prevent broken links to documents while completing additional deployment tasks after running setup, it is recommended you enable the OpenInClient feature on existing site collections prior to running setup. For more information, see Additional configuration (optional).

Run Office Web Apps setup

Complete this task to install Office Web Apps on a single SharePoint server. This task must be performed on each server in the server farm.

To run Office Web Apps Setup

  1. From the root folder, run Setup.exe.

  2. On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

  3. On the Choose a file location page, click Install Now to install to the default location. To install to a different location, specify the location that you want to install to, and then click Install Now.

  4. When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected.

  5. Click Close to start the configuration wizard.

Run PSConfig to register services

Complete this task to register the Office Web Apps services on a single SharePoint server. This task must be performed on each server in the server farm.

To run PSConfig to register the services

  1. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.

  2. In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted or reset during configuration, click Yes.

  3. On the Modify server farm settings page, select Do not disconnect from this server farm, and then click Next.

  4. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Your new SharePoint site opens.

Start the service instances

A service instance provides the physical location for a service application. For each server that you want to run the Office Web Apps service applications; you must start the service instances. You can start the service instances by using SharePoint Central Administration or by using Windows PowerShell.

Procedures in this task will start the service instances on those servers specified. This task must be completed after you have run WCSetup and PSConfig on each server in the farm.

To start the service instances by using Central Administration

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

  2. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, in System Settings, click Manage services on this server.

  3. On the Services on server:<servername>page, in Server, select a server, and then start Excel Calculation Services, Word Viewing Service, and PowerPoint Service. Repeat this step for each server in the farm you want to run Office Web Apps services. The OneNote Web App does not use a SharePoint service.

To start the service instances by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    $machinesToActivate = @("<servername1>", "<servername2>")
    $serviceInstanceNames = @("Word Viewing Service","PowerPoint Service","Excel Calculation Services")
    foreach ($machine in $machinesToActivate) 
      foreach ($serviceInstance in $serviceInstanceNames)
         $serviceID = $(Get-SPServiceInstance | where {$_.TypeName -match $serviceInstance} | where {$_.Server -match "SPServer Name="+$machine}).ID
         Start-SPServiceInstance -Identity $serviceID 
  2. Specify the following parameters:

    Parameter Value


    Server name

  3. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  4. From the Windows PowerShell command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


Create the service applications and the service application proxies

After the service instances have been started, the service applications and the service application proxies that connect the SharePoint Web front-ends to the service applications must be created. You can create the service applications and the service application proxies for the Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Web apps by using Central Administration or by using Windows PowerShell. The OneNote Web app does not require a service application. After created, the service applications will run on started service instances automatically.

In this task you will create the Office Web Apps service applications and service application proxies for the Word, PowerPoint, and Excel Web apps. This task can be completed only after you have started the service instances.

To create the service applications and the service application proxies by using Central Administration

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

  2. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, in Application Management, click Manage service applications.

  3. On the Service Applications page, click New, and then click Word Viewing Service.

  4. In the Word Viewing Service Application dialog box, in Name, type Word Viewing Service Application. In Application Pool, select Use existing application pool, and then in the listbox, select SharePoint Web Services Default. In Add to default proxy list, verify Add this service application's proxy to the farm's default proxy list is selected (default), and then click OK.

  5. On the Service Applications page, click New, and then click PowerPoint Service Application.

  6. In the PowerPoint Service Application dialog box, in Name, type PowerPoint Service Application. In Application Pool, select Use existing application pool, and then in the listbox, select SharePoint Web Services Default. In Add to default proxy list, verify Add this service application's proxy to the farm's default proxy list is selected (default) and then click OK.

  7. On the Service Applications page, click New and then click Excel Services Application.

  8. In the Excel Services Application dialog box, in Name, type Excel Services Application. In Application Pool, select Use existing application pool, and then in the listbox, select SharePoint Web Services Default. In Add to default proxy list, verify Add this service application's proxy to the farm's default proxy list is selected (default) and then click OK.

    You can choose to create a new application pool to be used with a service application. When creating a new application pool, you can specify the security account used by the application pool to be a predefined Network Service account, or you can specify a managed account. The account must have read\write privileges for the SPContent database and SPConfig database. For more information about services account permissions in SharePoint, see Account permissions and security settings (SharePoint Server 2010).

To create the service applications and the service application proxies by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    $appPool = Get-SPServiceApplicationPool -Name "SharePoint Web Services Default"
    New-SPWordViewingServiceApplication -Name "WdView" -ApplicationPool $appPool | New-SPWordViewingServiceApplicationProxy -Name "WdProxy"
    New-SPPowerPointServiceApplication -Name "PPT" -ApplicationPool $appPool | New-SPPowerPointServiceApplicationProxy -Name "PPTProxy" 
    New-SPExcelServiceApplication -Name "Excel" -ApplicationPool $appPool
  2. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  3. From the Windows PowerShell command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


Activate the Office Web Apps Feature

After the service instances have been started, and the service applications and service application proxies have been created, to use Office Web Apps require the Office Web Apps Feature be activated on existing site collections. You can activate the feature on a single site collection in a browser on the Site collection features page or by using Windows PowerShell. If you have a large number of site collections, you can activate the feature on all site collections at the same time by using Windows PowerShell.

Procedures in this task will activate the Office Web Apps Feature on one or more existing site collections. This task must be completed only once after the service applications and the service application proxies have been created. If you have more than one existing site collection, and you are activating the feature on one site collection at a time, you may have to perform the procedure for each site collection.

This task does not need to be completed for new site collections created after Office Web Apps has been installed.

To activate the Office Web Apps Feature on a site collection on the Site collection features page

  1. In a browser, in the SharePoint site, click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, in Site Collection Administration, click Site Collection Features.

  3. On the Features page, for Office Web Apps, click Activate.

To activate Office Web Apps Feature on a site collection by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    $webAppsFeatureId = $(Get-SPFeature -limit all | where {$_.displayname -eq "OfficeWebApps"}).Id 
    $singleSiteCollection = Get-SPSite -Identity http://<site_name> Enable-SPFeature $webAppsFeatureId -Url $singleSiteCollection.URL
  2. Specify the following parameters:

    Parameter Value



  3. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  4. In the Windows PowerShell console, at the command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


To activate the Office Web Apps Feature on all site collections by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    $webAppsFeatureId = $(Get-SPFeature -limit all | where {$_.displayname -eq "OfficeWebApps"}).Id 
    Get-SPSite -limit ALL |foreach{Enable-SPFeature $webAppsFeatureId -url $_.URL }  
  2. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  3. From the Windows PowerShell command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


Install and configure Office Web Apps on a new SharePoint server farm

Perform the tasks in this section only if you are installing Office Web Apps on a new SharePoint server farm where the Farm Configuration Wizard has not previously been run.

Run Office Web Apps setup

In this task you will install Office Web Apps files and components on a single SharePoint server in a new server farm where the Farm Configuration Wizard has not previously been run. This task must be completed on each server in the server farm.

To run Office Web Apps Setup

  1. From the root folder, run Setup.exe.

  2. On the Enter your Product Key page, enter your product key, and then click Continue.

  3. On the Choose a file location page, click Install Now to install to the default location. To install to a different location, specify the location that you want to install to, and then click Install Now.

  4. When Setup finishes, a dialog box prompts you to complete the configuration of your server. Be sure that the Run the SharePoint Products and Technologies Configuration Wizard now check box is selected.

  5. Click Close to start the Farm Configuration Wizard.

Run PSConfig to register services

In this task you will register the Office Web Apps services on a single SharePoint server. This task must be completed on each server in the server farm.

To run PSConfig to register the services

  1. On the Welcome to SharePoint Products page, click Next.

  2. In the dialog box that notifies you that some services might need to be restarted or reset during configuration, click Yes.

  3. On the Modify server farm settings page, select Do not disconnect from this server farm, and then click Next.

  4. On the Configuration Successful page, click Finish. Your new SharePoint site opens.

Run the SharePoint Farm Configuration Wizard to start the service instances, create the service applications and proxies, and activate the Office Web Apps Feature

In this task you will start the service instances on all servers in the farm, create the service applications and service application proxies, and activate the Office Web Apps Feature on all existing site collections. This task must be completed after Setup.exe and PSConfig has been run on each server in the server farm.

To run the SharePoint Farm Configuration Wizard to start the service instances, create the service applications and proxies, and activate the Office Web Apps Feature

  1. Click Start, point to All Programs, Microsoft SharePoint 2010 Products, and then SharePoint 2010 Central Administration.

  2. On the SharePoint Central Administration home page, click Configuration Wizards.

  3. On the Configuration Wizards page, click Launch the Farm Configuration Wizard.

  4. In the Farm Configuration Wizard welcome page, choose Walk me through the settings using this wizard, and then click Next.

  5. On the Configure your SharePoint Farm page, in Service Account, type a name for the Farm admin account.

  6. In Services, select the Office Web Apps services that you want to activate, and then click Next.

  7. Create an optional new top-level site. On the Create Site Collection page, follow the wizard steps to create a new top-level site.

  8. On the Configure your SharePoint Farm page, click Finish.

Additional configuration (optional)

This section discusses additional configurations that are optional.

Configure the SharePoint default open behavior for browser-enabled documents

In SharePoint, you can configure whether browser-enabled documents are opened in a client application or in the browser. By default, when Office Web Apps is installed, Office documents will then open in the browser. You can override this setting using the SharePoint OpenInClient feature. The OpenInClient feature can be configured in Central Administration or by using the SPFeature cmdlet in Windows PowerShell.

How documents open in SharePoint varies depending on whether or not the OpenInClient feature is present, and either enabled or disabled:

  • If the OpenInClient feature is not present and Office Web Apps is not installed, documents will open in the client application (SharePoint default).

  • If the OpenInClient feature is not present, Office Web Apps is installed and Office Web Apps service applications are activated, documents will open in the browser (Office Web Apps default).

  • If the OpenInClient feature is present and enabled, and Office Web Apps service applications are activated, documents will open in the client application.

  • If the OpenInClient feature is present and disabled, and Office Web Apps service applications are activated, documents in will open in the browser.

When you run Setup.exe to install Office Web Apps, setup will take control of the default open behavior in SharePoint to register Word, PowerPoint, Excel, and OneNote documents to be opened in their associated Web app. If a user clicks on a document in SharePoint after Setup.exe has been run, but before the Office Web Apps Services and Feature have been activated, the user can get a broken link in the browser. When installing Office Web Apps in a live production environment, it is strongly recommended that you enable the OpenInClient Feature prior to running Office Web Apps setup.

To set the default open behavior for site collections by using Central Administration

  1. In SharePoint Central Administration, click Site Actions, and then click Site Settings.

  2. On the Site Settings page, under Site Collection Administration, click Site Collection Features.

  3. On the Features page, for the Open Documents in Client Applications by Default feature, click Activate (OpenInClient Feature is enabled) to open documents in the client application. Click Deactivate (OpenInClient Feature is disabled) to open documents in the browser.

To set the SharePoint Default open behavior for browser-enabled documents to open in the browser by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    This example disables the default open behavior in SharePoint.

    $defaultOpenBehaviorFeatureId = $(Get-SPFeature -limit all | where {$_.displayname -eq "OpenInClient"}).Id 
    Get-SPSite -limit ALL |foreach{ Disable-SPFeature $defaultOpenBehaviorFeatureId -url $_.URL }
  2. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  3. In the Windows PowerShell console, at the command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:


To set the SharePoint Default open behavior for browser-enabled documents to open in the client application by using Windows PowerShell

  1. Using Notepad, open a new text file, and then copy and paste the following script into the file.

    This example sets the default open behavior for all documents in all sites to open in the client application (if available).

    $defaultOpenBehaviorFeatureId = $(Get-SPFeature -limit all | where {$_.displayname -eq "OpenInClient"}).Id 
    Get-SPSite -limit ALL |foreach{ Enable-SPFeature $defaultOpenBehaviorFeatureId -url $_.URL }
  2. Save the file with a .ps1 file name extension to a folder where you run scripts (typically C:\scripts).

  3. In the Windows PowerShell console, at the command prompt (that is, PS C:\>), type the following command and press ENTER:



Problem   Office Web Apps is installed, but documents do not open in their associated Web app in the browser.

Solution   Verify the Office Web Apps Feature has been activated for the site collection in which the document resides. For more information, see Activate the Office Web Apps Feature.

Solution   Verify the service instances have been started. For more information, see Start the service instances.

Solution   Verify the service applications and proxies have been created. In SharePoint Central Administration, in Application Management, click Manage service applications. Verify the Word Viewing service application, PowerPoint service application, and Excel Services Application are started. If they are not started, verify the service instances have been started.

Solution   Verify the SharePoint OpenInClient Feature is not enabled. For more information, see Additional configuration (optional).

Problem   The Office Web Apps opens fine in view mode, but when a user clicks the Edit in Word, Edit in PowerPoint, or Edit in Excel button on the toolbar, an error is displayed.

Solution   Verify that the Office Web Apps Feature is activated and the Word Viewing Service, PowerPoint Service, and Excel Calculation Services are started.

Problem   When running setup, the product key will not validate.

Solution   Verify you are installing an Office Web Apps version compatible with your version of SharePoint 2010 Products. Office Web Apps Trial Edition cannot be installed on a server with licensed SharePoint 2010 products.

Solution   Verify you have a valid Microsoft Office 2010 volume license.

Change History

Date Description Reason

September 16, 2010

Added more specific information about where to download Office Web Apps.

Content update

June 10, 2010

Updated application pool notes to include a link to Account permissions and security settings (SharePoint Server 2010).

Content update

May 12, 2010

Initial publication

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