Fukushima: It's much worse than you think
Scientific experts believe Japan's nuclear disaster to be far worse than governments are revealing to the public.
Last Modified: 16 Jun 2011 12:50

Many Japanese citizens are now permanently displaced from their homes due to the Fukushima nuclear disaster [GALLO/GETTY]

"Fukushima is the biggest industrial catastrophe in the history of mankind," Arnold Gundersen, a former nuclear industry senior vice president, told Al Jazeera.

Japan's 9.0 earthquake on March 11 caused a massive tsunami that crippled the cooling systems at the Tokyo Electric Power Company's (TEPCO) nuclear plant in Fukushima, Japan. It also led to hydrogen explosions and reactor meltdowns that forced evacuations of those living within a 20km radius of the plant.

Gundersen, a licensed reactor operator with 39 years of nuclear power engineering experience, managing and coordinating projects at 70 nuclear power plants around the US, says the Fukushima nuclear plant likely has more exposed reactor cores than commonly believed.

"Fukushima has three nuclear reactors exposed and four fuel cores exposed," he said, "You probably have the equivalent of 20 nuclear reactor cores because of the fuel cores, and they are all in desperate need of being cooled, and there is no means to cool them effectively."

TEPCO has been spraying water on several of the reactors and fuel cores, but this has led to even greater problems, such as radiation being emitted into the air in steam and evaporated sea water - as well as generating hundreds of thousands of tons of highly radioactive sea water that has to be disposed of.

"The problem is how to keep it cool," says Gundersen. "They are pouring in water and the question is what are they going to do with the waste that comes out of that system, because it is going to contain plutonium and uranium. Where do you put the water?"

Even though the plant is now shut down, fission products such as uranium continue to generate heat, and therefore require cooling.

"The fuels are now a molten blob at the bottom of the reactor," Gundersen added. "TEPCO announced they had a melt through. A melt down is when the fuel collapses to the bottom of the reactor, and a melt through means it has melted through some layers. That blob is incredibly radioactive, and now you have water on top of it. The water picks up enormous amounts of radiation, so you add more water and you are generating hundreds of thousands of tons of highly radioactive water."

Independent scientists have been monitoring the locations of radioactive "hot spots" around Japan, and their findings are disconcerting.

"We have 20 nuclear cores exposed, the fuel pools have several cores each, that is 20 times the potential to be released than Chernobyl," said Gundersen. "The data I'm seeing shows that we are finding hot spots further away than we had from Chernobyl, and the amount of radiation in many of them was the amount that caused areas to be declared no-man's-land for Chernobyl. We are seeing square kilometres being found 60 to 70 kilometres away from the reactor. You can't clean all this up. We still have radioactive wild boar in Germany, 30 years after Chernobyl."

Radiation monitors for children

Japan's Nuclear Emergency Response Headquarters finally admitted earlier this month that reactors 1, 2, and 3 at the Fukushima plant experienced full meltdowns.

TEPCO announced that the accident probably released more radioactive material into the environment than Chernobyl, making it the worst nuclear accident on record.

Meanwhile, a nuclear waste advisor to the Japanese government reported that about 966 square kilometres near the power station - an area roughly 17 times the size of Manhattan - is now likely uninhabitable.

In the US, physician Janette Sherman MD and epidemiologist Joseph Mangano published an essay shedding light on a 35 per cent spike in infant mortality in northwest cities that occurred after the Fukushima meltdown, and may well be the result of fallout from the stricken nuclear plant.

The eight cities included in the report are San Jose, Berkeley, San Francisco, Sacramento, Santa Cruz, Portland, Seattle, and Boise, and the time frame of the report included the ten weeks immediately following the disaster.

"There is and should be concern about younger people being exposed, and the Japanese government will be giving out radiation monitors to children," Dr MV Ramana, a physicist with the Programme on Science and Global Security at Princeton University who specialises in issues of nuclear safety, told Al Jazeera.

Dr Ramana explained that he believes the primary radiation threat continues to be mostly for residents living within 50km of the plant, but added: "There are going to be areas outside of the Japanese government's 20km mandatory evacuation zone where radiation is higher. So that could mean evacuation zones in those areas as well."

Gundersen points out that far more radiation has been released than has been reported.

"They recalculated the amount of radiation released, but the news is really not talking about this," he said. "The new calculations show that within the first week of the accident, they released 2.3 times as much radiation as they thought they released in the first 80 days."

According to Gundersen, the exposed reactors and fuel cores are continuing to release microns of caesium, strontium, and plutonium isotopes. These are referred to as "hot particles".

"We are discovering hot particles everywhere in Japan, even in Tokyo," he said. "Scientists are finding these everywhere. Over the last 90 days these hot particles have continued to fall and are being deposited in high concentrations. A lot of people are picking these up in car engine air filters."

Radioactive air filters from cars in Fukushima prefecture and Tokyo are now common, and Gundersen says his sources are finding radioactive air filters in the greater Seattle area of the US as well.

The hot particles on them can eventually lead to cancer.

"These get stuck in your lungs or GI tract, and they are a constant irritant," he explained, "One cigarette doesn't get you, but over time they do. These [hot particles] can cause cancer, but you can't measure them with a Geiger counter. Clearly people in Fukushima prefecture have breathed in a large amount of these particles. Clearly the upper West Coast of the US has people being affected. That area got hit pretty heavy in April."

Blame the US?

In reaction to the Fukushima catastrophe, Germany is phasing out all of its nuclear reactors over the next decade. In a referendum vote this Monday, 95 per cent of Italians voted in favour of blocking a nuclear power revival in their country. A recent newspaper poll in Japan shows nearly three-quarters of respondents favour a phase-out of nuclear power in Japan.

Why have alarms not been sounded about radiation exposure in the US?

Nuclear operator Exelon Corporation has been among Barack Obama's biggest campaign donors, and is one of the largest employers in Illinois where Obama was senator. Exelon has donated more than $269,000 to his political campaigns, thus far. Obama also appointed Exelon CEO John Rowe to his Blue Ribbon Commission on America's Nuclear Future.

Dr Shoji Sawada is a theoretical particle physicist and Professor Emeritus at Nagoya University in Japan.
He is concerned about the types of nuclear plants in his country, and the fact that most of them are of US design.

"Most of the reactors in Japan were designed by US companies who did not care for the effects of earthquakes," Dr Sawada told Al Jazeera. "I think this problem applies to all nuclear power stations across Japan."

Using nuclear power to produce electricity in Japan is a product of the nuclear policy of the US, something Dr Sawada feels is also a large component of the problem.

"Most of the Japanese scientists at that time, the mid-1950s, considered that the technology of nuclear energy was under development or not established enough, and that it was too early to be put to practical use," he explained. "The Japan Scientists Council recommended the Japanese government not use this technology yet, but the government accepted to use enriched uranium to fuel nuclear power stations, and was thus subjected to US government policy."

As a 13-year-old, Dr Sawada experienced the US nuclear attack against Japan from his home, situated just 1400 metres from the hypocentre of the Hiroshima bomb.

"I think the Fukushima accident has caused the Japanese people to abandon the myth that nuclear power stations are safe," he said. "Now the opinions of the Japanese people have rapidly changed. Well beyond half the population believes Japan should move towards natural electricity."   

A problem of infinite proportions

Dr Ramana expects the plant reactors and fuel cores to be cooled enough for a shutdown within two years.
"But it is going to take a very long time before the fuel can be removed from the reactor," he added. "Dealing with the cracking and compromised structure and dealing with radiation in the area will take several years, there's no question about that."

Dr Sawada is not as clear about how long a cold shutdown could take, and said the problem will be "the effects from caesium-137 that remains in the soil and the polluted water around the power station and underground. It will take a year, or more time, to deal with this".

Gundersen pointed out that the units are still leaking radiation.

"They are still emitting radioactive gases and an enormous amount of radioactive liquid," he said. "It will be at least a year before it stops boiling, and until it stops boiling, it's going to be cranking out radioactive steam and liquids."

Gundersen worries about more earthquake aftershocks, as well as how to cool two of the units.

"Unit four is the most dangerous, it could topple," he said. "After the earthquake in Sumatra there was an 8.6 [aftershock] about 90 days later, so we are not out of the woods yet. And you're at a point where, if that happens, there is no science for this, no one has ever imagined having hot nuclear fuel lying outside the fuel pool. They've not figured out how to cool units three and four."

Gundersen's assessment of solving this crisis is grim.

"Units one through three have nuclear waste on the floor, the melted core, that has plutonium in it, and that has to be removed from the environment for hundreds of thousands of years," he said. "Somehow, robotically, they will have to go in there and manage to put it in a container and store it for infinity, and that technology doesn't exist. Nobody knows how to pick up the molten core from the floor, there is no solution available now for picking that up from the floor."

Dr Sawada says that the creation of nuclear fission generates radioactive materials for which there is simply no knowledge informing us how to dispose of the radioactive waste safely.

"Until we know how to safely dispose of the radioactive materials generated by nuclear plants, we should postpone these activities so as not to cause further harm to future generations," he explained. "To do otherwise is simply an immoral act, and that is my belief, both as a scientist and as a survivor of the Hiroshima atomic bombing."

Gundersen believes it will take experts at least ten years to design and implement the plan.

"So ten to 15 years from now maybe we can say the reactors have been dismantled, and in the meantime you wind up contaminating the water," Gundersen said. "We are already seeing Strontium [at] 250 times the allowable limits in the water table at Fukushima. Contaminated water tables are incredibly difficult to clean. So I think we will have a contaminated aquifer in the area of the Fukushima site for a long, long time to come."

Unfortunately, the history of nuclear disasters appears to back Gundersen's assessment.

"With Three Mile Island and Chernobyl, and now with Fukushima, you can pinpoint the exact day and time they started," he said, "But they never end."

Follow Dahr Jamail on Twitter: @DahrJamail

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  • What scares me more than anything is that the people who wrote and proofread this article cannot spell 'led' properly.  I am available and not very expensive.
  • Really, a typo scares you more than the fact that radiation is getting into the food system, starting with the plankton and algae that make up the base of the food chain in the ocean, and as each organism consumes the other the effects are to concentrate the radiation, to the point to when it reaches us it's highly toxic and will cause cancer if ingested?  That entire area around Fukushima will be uninhabitable for centuries -- you still can't get within 30 miles of Chernobyl as it's too radioactive.  But a typo is what scares you?
  • Good point Brett. And, I think Larry will find that "led" is an acceptable alternative spelling to "lead" anyway in the past tense of "to lead". But really grammar is surely not of any significance here. This is a catastrophe of the highest order versus a pedantism.

  • Yes, Brett.

    When a source of news presents as a factual and moral authority, yet can't figure out something the rest of us did in 3rd grade, it is a cause for great concern for the reader.

    It's like when someone confuses "your" and "you're" -- anyone with an ounce of education or intelligence assumes that they're reading something written by a moron. Their opinion is invalid.
  • Have you ever thought about the fact that the writer maybe isn't a native speaker? I would love to see you writing a completly correct text in german, spanish or french ... How many languages do you speak?
  • Then you're a troll or a moron.
  • Blame America? Really?
    Proof that no matter what happens, where it happens, when it happens - someone will find a way to blame America for their problems.
  • And they are usually correct at some level.
  • You should begin thinking if the US maybe *really* is the matter of many problems in the world. When the US hadn't supported the mujahedin in afghanistan (to fight against the ussr) in the 80s then there maybe wouldn't be al-kaida ...

    The US is really great at supporting the bad guys. And concerning the environment the US really makes bad politics. Compared to most other countries the US is one of the top polluters of our environment. (Maybe only china is worse)
  • Amazing, isn't it?  If the disaster had happened in the immediate years after installation, I could understand blaming US designers.  But you are talking about DECADES of time for these reactors to be retrofitted for greater safety by the Japanese engineers who are in charge of them, the Japanese companies who fund them, and the Japanese government which regulates them.  None of this was done, and now its America's fault?  
    The bias inherent by some of these writers and commenters is evident when there is a long chain of blame in which America is one part of, but all attention is shifted to them.  
    "You should begin thinking if the US maybe *really* is the matter of many problems in the world. When the US hadn't supported the mujahedin in afghanistan (to fight against the ussr) in the 80s then there maybe wouldn't be al-kaida ..."  
    This commenter is a pefect example.  Couldn't the existence of al-kaida just as easily be attributed to the USSR, who were the root cause of the entire circumstances for the mujahedeen to exist in the first place?  But blaming the USSR isn't fashionable now, is it?
  • skinnydog 1 hour ago
    Nuclear power isn't the problem. The problem is with the reactors we've been using to produce it. If the reactors at Fukushima had been Liquid Fluoride Thorium Reactors (LFTRs) they
    wouldn’t have had a disaster on their hands. In fact, nothing would have happened.

    Liquid-fuel reactor technology was successfully developed at Oak Ridge National Labs in the
    1960s. Although the test reactor worked flawlessly, the project was shelved, a
    victim of Cold War strategy. But LFTRs have been gathering a lot of attention
    lately, particularly since the events in Japan.
    A LFTR is a completely different type of reactor. For one thing, it can't melt
    down. It's physically impossible. And since it’s air-cooled, it doesn’t have to
    be located near the shore. It can even be placed in an underground vault. A
    tsunami would roll right over it, like a truck over a manhole cover.

    A LFTR uses liquid fuel - nuclear material dissolved in molten fluoride salt. Conventional reactors are atomic pressure cookers, using solid fuel rods to super-heat water. And that means the
    constant possibility of high-pressure ruptures and steam leaks.

    LFTRs don’t even use water. Instead, they heat CO2 to spin a turbine for
    generating power. So if a LFTR leaks, it’s not a catastrophe. The molten salt
    will "pool and cool" like candle wax, for easy recovery and re-use.

    LFTRs burn Thorium, a mildly radioactive material as common as tin and found all over
    the world. We’ve already mined enough raw Thorium in America to power the country for 400
    years. It’s the waste at our Rare Earth Element mines. 

    LFTRs consume fuel so efficiently that they can even use the spent fuel from other
    reactors, while producing a miniscule amount of waste themselves.  As the waste is recovered at Fukushima, it can be "burned" in a LFTR to produce electricity, turning a 3 million year problem to a 300-year problem. That's because the waste from a LFTR reverts to background radiation levels in just 300 years. (No, that’s not a typo.) 

    Yucca Mountain is obsolete. So are Uranium reactors.

    The nuclear industry can finally clean up their own mess by building LFTRs. Even if LFTRs were only used to render our existing nuclear waste down to safe levels, they would be boon to mankind. 

    (Aside from producing electricity, the waste heat from a LFTR can  desalinate thousands of cubic meters of water per day.)

    LFTR technology has been sitting on the shelf at Oak Ridge for over forty years. But
    now the manuals are dusted off, and a dedicated group of nuclear industry
    outsiders is ready to build another test reactor and give it a go.

    Will the LFTR will launch a new global paradigm of clean, cheap, safe and abundant energy?

     Let’s build one and see. 

    Here's an excellent article: 

    Uranium Is So Last Century — Enter Thorium, the New Green Nuke | Magazine
  • Although I do not doubt that the hazard has been understated, this article is factually incorrect in many regards.  Poor research.  It is not Uranium and Plutonium that are radiation concerns.  Uranium is nearly radiologically inert, Plutonium is primarily a "poisoning" concern.  It is chemically toxic.  The real concern is the fission product release, those elements that resulted from fission in a "critical" reactor that were captured in the fuel elements when the reactor was operating, primarily Cesium since it has a longer half life and will persist in the environment longer.  The lack of good research and obvious misunderstanding by the reporter leads to credibility issues here.
  • This is journalism.  Your "science" and "research" aren't welcome here.
  • Mariana Lo 3 hours ago
    What the heck is "natural electricity"?

    I'm hoping he means renewable electricity, not a return to coal and natural gas...
  • Why blame the USA for a 40 year old reactor that never had a good plan to cool it without power of some sort. You have had 40 years to do better. Quite frankly fall on your sword because your country has been too busy copying and improving other technology and you neglected your nuclear power source. The same power source that has led Japan to be as successful and rich as it is by manufacturing.

    The nuclear industry needs a way to dispose of it's waste before it continues. Ignorant articles like this one do not help. So far it is the most expensive power out there. Natural power is someone's wet dream without capacity to power more than a doghouse. Cost and watts of power are not making a dent in power demand. Time to go back to the nasty coal that doesn't glow in the dark. When we agree on a way and place for nuclear waste then we can get away from traditional power generation.
  • As a sixteen-year resident, I'm very familiar with the Japanese penchant for blaming anything amiss in their country on outsiders. Hopefully they will grow up some day and take some responsibility for their own mess.
  • As a Japanese, I feel so sad to read this article at the same time as I
    feel sorry to be polluting this planet... However I'd like you to know
    that even in Japan there are many many scientists or legal and political
    scholars, or citizens, including Haruki Murakami, who criticize Japanese government and TEPCO, not
    US at all.
    In particular they blame scientists patronized by the government who
    have promoted nuclear plant policy without enough risk assessment, and
    TEPCO, which have never taken steps to ensure the safety of reactors in
    this quake-full country. It is our understanding that it is natural and
    okay that US reactors are not proof against such massive earthquake, and
    it was responsibility of ourselves to adjust them to the environment on
    the unstable plates, but our government and the company failed. The Japan Scientists' Association has made a statement in which it says; "Although
    unfortunately the magnitude was 9.0, we believe that the nuclear
    incident would be less sever if TEPCO has learned seriously from past
    accidents or warnings. Therefore, TEPCO's responsibility to this
    incident is so heavy."
    How can one make a logic to blame US or others for this incident? It is completely our fault, and responsibility to take by ourselves. In Hiroshima, where an atomic bomb was exploded during WWII killing hundres of thousands of civilians, there is a memorial stone for the victims, on which a sentence "Please sleep peacefully. We will never repeat such a mistake again." is carved. So Japan has abandoned war under its Constitution. I believe we can grow up some day and take some responsibility for their own mess.
  • "In the US, physician Janette Sherman MD and epidemiologist Joseph Mangano published an essay shedding light on a 35 per cent spike in infant mortality in northwest cities that occurred after the Fukushima meltdown, and may well be the result of fallout from the stricken nuclear plant."
    This is an incredible, sensational, and very dubious statement; and should not be included in this article without more detailed information.  I doubt very highly there is ANY PHYSICAL EVIDENCE WHATSOEVER! 

  • Obviously the Japanese nuclear reactors mis-managed and under-funded by Japanese politicians and Japanese engineers having a meltdown on Japanese soil was entirely America's fault.
  • The tsunami was caused by America's support for Israel.
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Nuclear watchdog wants probe into how two workers were exposed to twice legal level of radiation at tsunami-hit plant. ( 10-Jun-2011 )
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